In this 4.5 month course combining virtual lectures and in-person field trips, you will work with whale biologist Monika Wieland Shields of the Orca Behavior Institute to improve your scientific literacy by doing a deep dive to learn more about Bigg’s killer whales of the Salish Sea. Regardless of your background, this class will help you practice reading and understanding scientific papers, give you a chance to try collecting whale behavioral data in the field, and let you explore real-world sightings data to create graphs and maps as you follow a specific Bigg’s family group. In addition to bi-weekly sessions on Zoom, the full version of the class includes five boat trips and culminates with an in-person presentation where you can practice what you’ve learned about how to communicate science effectively. If you ever wondered what a career in marine biology might be like or you want to take your understanding of killer whales to the next level, this is the course for you!
While we have offered a virtual version of the class in the past, this class will be for the full version only.
Class is now SOLD OUT for 2025.