This advanced whale research class is for students that have completed either our 2023 STaRS or 2024/2025 Bigg's 201 class
Students have loved the Bigg's 201 experience so much that the class has left them wanting more! For those who have completed Bigg's 201 (or the Bigg's STaRS class), we will be offering an advanced science class that will delve even further into the world of whale research. Bigg's 301 will involve more scientific paper discussions giving a broader overview of research topics including acoustics, toxins, and predation and will also include an advanced ID workshop. Students will work either alone or in pairs to delve into sightings data for extended family groups, looking for similarities and differences in Salish Sea habitat usage of related matrilines. The class will culminate with back-to-back presentation days and boat trips.
Pay in full up front or or split into 3 payments with a 2.9% transaction fee per payment